P – Mynegai i Geredigion I-X

Mynegai i gyfrolau 1-10 Cylchgrawn Cymdeithas Hynafiaethwyr Ceredigion

Golygwyd gan William H Howells

N.B. Roedd fersiwn ddigidol y mynegai hwn yn cynhyrchu trwy sganio, ac mae’n debygol bod rhai gwallau cydnabyddiaeth testun bach yn bresennol. Os nad ydych yn siŵr, cyfeiriwch at gopi wedi’i argraffu o’r Mynegai.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Cyflwyniad | Sut i ddefnyddio’r Mynegai | Byrfoddau | Awduron | Atodiadau | Darluniau | Adolygiadau | Ysgrifau coffa | Trefi yng Ngheredigion | Pentrefi yng Ngheredigion

Cofrestriadau sy’n dechrau gyda ‘P’

  • pabyddiaeth, viii:456-7
  • Pacific, schooner, vii:284,291
  • Packet of Cardigan, vessel, vii:61; ix:118
  • Padarn Fawr Benefit Society, x:46
  • Padarn Fawr Friendly Society, x:371
  • Padarn, saint, vi:274; vii:35
  • Page, Richard, Aberystwyth, civil engineer, ix:145
  • Paine, H. H., U.C W., vii:249,250
  • Painter, Rev. William Hunt, i:88
  • Pal, Rhydyfelin, viii:340
  • palaeontology, i:161-3
  • Palk, Sir Lawrence, iii:78
  • Palladium, Aberystwyth, vii:238
  • Palmer, David, Cardigan, headmaster, viii:57
  • Palmer, William Henry, Queen’s Hotel, Aberystwyth ii:12; viii:409
  • Pandu mill, Llandysul, i:117
  • Pandy, Llanfair Clydogau
    • woollen mill, vi:110
  • Pandy, Llannerch Aeron
    • corn mill, vi:97
  • Pandy, Llanrhystud
    • fulling mill, vi:111
  • Pandy, Llanwnnen
    • woollen mill, vi:110
  • Pandy, Melindwr ix:334
  • Pandy, Tal-y-bont, vi:109
  • Pandy footbridge, i:123,137
  • Pant Eynon, Brongwyn, viii:82
  • Pant-y-Cerrig, viii:102
  • Pant-y-Cleifion Street (sic), Cardigan, v:20-1
  • Pant-y-gar
    • bidding, iv.-39-43
  • Pant-y-gwair, Llyn Eiddwen, ii:40,47
  • Pant y kroy, Llanfihangel-ar-arth, viii:83
  • Pant y llys (Panterlis), vii:67-8
  • Pant-y-moch, Llandysul, viii:470
  • Pant yr Ebolion, ii:29,34-5
    • see also Blaencwmsymlog mine
  • Pant yr Holiad
    • stones, ix:270
  • Pant yr Odyn, v:52
  • Pantebolion, ix:14
  • Panterlis (Pant y llys), vii:67-8
  • Pantglas, ysgoldy, v:141
  • Pantmoch, Pont-siân, iii:110
  • Pantstreimon, iv:152; viii:470
  • Pantwhilog, farm, iii:128
  • Pantybarwn fferm (farm) vi:360
  • Pantycreuddyn independent church, vi,i:8 10; viii:459
  • Pantycroy, viii:86
  • Pantydefaid, Rhyd Owen, iii:112; iv:122-3; vii:110
  • Pantyfedwen
    • and Chelsea Training College, x:170
  • Pantyfedwen bust building, vii:238
  • Pantyffynnon, school, Ystumtuen, ix:328
  • Pantygenau, circulating school, ix:352
  • Pantyroliaid, circulating school, ix:352
  • Paragon Yard, New Quay, vii:285
  • Parc Carreg y Lluniau, iv: ;vi:244
  • Parc Rhydderch, teulu (family), x:238
    • see also Parcrhydderch
  • Parc-y-brag, vi.-93
  • Pare y brâs, viii:370
  • Parc-y-castell, Llandygwydd, iii:59
  • Parc y maen llwyd, Cenarth, viii:370
  • Parcel Canol
    • censuses, 1841-81, x:383-91
    • school attendance, x:388-9
  • Parcel Canol castle, iii:65-6
  • Parahydderch, Glyn Aeron, vii:15,21-6,35
  • Pardo, Thomas, Llandysul rector, v:431
  • Pareezer Hall, vii:236; viii:10
  • Pareezer, Benjamin, vii:236,238
  • Parish Hall, Aberystwyth, vi:416
  • parish relief
    • see poor law
  • Park Street, New Quay ropewalk behind, vii:291
  • Parky Beili, boat proprietor, iv:73
  • Park y Marehogg, Llandyfriog, viii:83,86
  • Parky Pratt, v:224; vii:191
  • Parke, Llandyfriog, viii:89
  • Parke, Mr. Justice, viii:236
  • Parke y ddeyntir, Aberystwyth, iii:298
  • Parry Street, Aberystwyth, iii:299-300
  • Parry the exciseman, vi:289
  • Parry, Llidiarde
    • estate in 1873, iv:12
  • Parry, Miss, v:10
  • Parry, Mr. and Mrs.. Cwmcynon, Llandysiliogogo, v:9,10
  • Parry, Capt, The Ship, Tresaith, iii:238
  • Parry , Miss, Llidiardau, x:284,285
  • Parry , Anne, Caecadw, Henllan, viii:336
  • Parry, David (1794-1877), ix:239
  • Parry, David, Aberteifi, viii:440
  • Parry, David, Carmarthen, iv:197
  • Parry, David, Llanilar, vi:6
  • Parry, David, Noyadd, vii:80,81
  • Parry, David, Noyadd Trefawr, iii:91; iv:262; vi:155
  • Parry, David,St. Dogmaels and Llanllyr, vi:343-4
  • Parry, Sir David Hughes, vi:377
  • Parry, David Webley, Noyadd Trefawr, vi:151
  • Parry, Dyddgu, Neuadd, iii:203
  • Parry, E.Wynne, vi:63
  • Parry, Edward, iv:135
  • Parry, Elizabeth née Lloyd, viii:88
  • Parry, Elizabeth, New Quay,children’s nurse, x:309
  • Parry, Ellen Webley, Noyadd Trefawr, vi:151-2
  • Parry, G. W., Llidiarcbu, x:397,398-9
  • Parry, Griffith, Penmorfa, Caernarfonshire, viii:184,185,187
  • Parry, J. Eddie,student, viii:16,17
  • Parry, Joan née Lloyd, Blaenpant, viii:81
  • Parry, Joan, Tyglyn Aeron, iii:200; iv:191
  • Parry, Joane, iv-.378,319,383
  • Parry, John, iv:380,;381,383,385,386
  • Parry, John, Aberystwyth, iii:299
  • Parry, John, Aberystwyth, solicitor, viii:405-06; ix:63; x:98-101
  • Parry, John, Blaenpant, viii:81
  • Parry, John, Caecadw, Henllan, viii:336
  • Parry, John, Ffynonlefrith, viii:335,336
  • Parry, John, Uanilar, schoolmaster, iv-.52
  • Parry, John, Portland Street, lapidary, iv-.28
  • Parry, John, Tre’rdefaid, iv:191
  • Parry, Capt. Jones, Tyllwyd, viii:162,174
  • Parry, Joseph, v:360; vi:303,384,385
  • Parry, Lettice née Lewes, vi:155
  • Parry, Lewis, Liverpool, ix:347
  • Parry, Llewelyn, Cenarth, iii:204
  • Parry, Llewelyn, Tyglyn-isaf, iii:204,205
  • Parry, Llewelyn Thomas, Gellioerlas, iv:191,192
  • Parry, Llewelyn Thomas, Ty-glyn-aeron, iii-92,204
  • Parry, Mary, vi:289
  • Parry, Miss Sarah J., Aberystwyth, schoolmistress, ii:77
  • Parry, Stephen, Cwmtidy (Cwmtudu), iii-91
  • Parry, Stephen, Noyadd Trefawr, v:404; vii:74; viii:87,445,465
  • Parry, T.G. Wynne, v:188,191
  • Parry, Thomas, iv-.381
  • Parry, Thomas, iii:203
  • Parry, Rev. Thomas, x:93
  • Parry, Thomas, Cilgwyn, viii:88,89
  • Parry, Thomas, Henllan, crynwr (quaker), ii:164
  • Parry, William Henry Webley, Noyadd Trefawr, vi:151
  • Parry, Admiral William Henry Webley, Noyadd Trefawr, vi:151, 400, 407, 411
  • Parry-Jones, Aneurin, ix:158
  • Parry-Williams,T. R, vi:48; viii:16,47
  • Parson’s Bridge
    • botanical records, i:92
  • Pasc y Christion, viii:449
  • Pascoe, James, Cornish mine worker, ix:324
  • Passifick, vessel, x:314
    • see also Pacific, schooner
  • Patrick, Amelia, Black Lion, New Quay, x:326, 130
  • Patrick, Charles, Black Lion, New Quay, x:326
  • Patrick, Edward, Black Lion, New Quay, x:326
  • Patrick, John, Black Lion, New Quay,x:325
  • Patrick, John, Black Lion, New Quay, scholar, x:325,326
  • Patrick, John, New Quay, x:373
  • Patrick, Sophia, Black Lion, New Quay, x:325
  • Patrick, William, Black Lion, New Quay, master mariner, x:325
  • patronage, bardic
    • see noddwyr y beirdd
  • Paul, Anne, Melindwr,ix:327
  • Paul, James, Melindwr, ix:327
  • Paul, John, Melindwr, ix:327
  • Paull, Anna, Melindwr, ix:326
  • Paull, James, lead mine agent, ix:325
  • Paull, Thos, Melindwr, ix:326
  • Paull, Wallace H., Goginan, viii:433-4
  • paupers, vii:263-6; ix:78-101
    • see also poor law
  • Paynter, John, Cwmsymlog mine, ii:30
  • Paynter, John, Esgairmwyn, ii:54
  • Pearce, Jane, schoolteacher, ix:324,329
  • Pearce, William, Royal Oak, ix:332
  • Pearcy, Thomas, workhouse master, x:147
  • Pearl, brigantine, vii:279
  • Pearl, schooner, vii:285
  • Pearson, Mr.
    • and Hafod, vii:218
  • Pearson, Mrs., Aberystwyth, iv:26
  • peasantry
    • early modern, vii:262,270-1
  • peat, x:121-2
  • peat bogs
    • botany of, i-93
      • see also names of individual bogs
  • peat cutting, i:78,99; ii:42-3; iii:110; iv:331-2; v:280-1; vi:92,323,352; viii:293
  • peat-cutting shelter, iv:406
  • Peggy, schooner, vii:276
  • Peggy, vessel, v-.274-5
  • Peithyll tie,i:40
  • Pelham, Henry, 4th Duke of Newcastle, vii:218-19,221,222,223
  • Pelican, Llandysul, ii:115
  • Pell, George,viii:220
  • Pell, Jonathan
    • and Aberystwyth piercompany, viii:409
    • and Aberystwyth public library, iii:163, 164-70,172,174-5
    • and lead mining, viii:220
  • Pembrokeshire
    • election 1831, vi:181
  • Pen-bont Felin-newydd
    • iforiaid, iii:31
    • ivorites
      • see Pen-bont Felin-newydd : iforiaid
  • Pen-bont Rhydybeddau ·
    • iforiaid, iii:31
    • ivorites
      • see Pen-bont Rhydybeddau : iforiaid
    • mines
      • see Bronfloyd mine
    • school, ii:94
  • Pen-boyr
  • ysgol Madam Bevan, v:351
  • Pen Dinas
    • hill fort, i:5; ix-.275
  • Pen Drainog, vi:203
  • Pen gwern Ucha, viii:370
  • Pen-lôn, ix:184
  • Pen pont Rhyd Owen, viii:79
  • Pen rhyw Devryog (fedw), Llandyfriog, viii:83
  • Pen-y-banc
    • undodwyr, viii:441,459
    • unitarians
  • see Pen-y-banc : undodwyr
  • Pen-y-banc, Aber-arth, ix:360-2
  • Pen y bont, Llandyfriog
    • the house by, viii:83
  • Pen-y-bont, Tregaron, ii:85,170-1; iii:1; viii:341
    • woollen mill, ii:170
  • Pen-y-bont, Tremain, v:11
  • Pen-y-castell, Llanilar, iii:62-3
  • Pen-y-cefn, lead mine, viii:217,218,219
  • Pen-y-foel, quarry, ii:42
  • Pen-y-garn
    • and thecensus of religious worship, iv:115
    • iforiaid, iii:31
    • ivorites
      • see Pen-y-garn : iforiaid
    • school
      • private school, ii:150
      • religious instruction in 1847, ii:152
  • Pen y garreg, ix:374
  • Pen-y-glogau, Trefilan
    • barrow, ix:289
    • bibliography, iv-.306
  • Pen-y-lan, v:11
  • Pen y Punvarch, Llanfihangel-ararth, viii:86
  • Pen-y-wern, mansion, viii:339
  • Pen-yr-Anchor, Aberystwyth
    • smelter, i:190; iv:130,131,132
  • Penalltyrhebog, iv:374
  • Penarth, hundred of, vi:140,219
  • Penbanlt, Melindwr,ix:334
  • Penbeili-mawr, Llangynllo
    • castle, iii:69
    • gentry of, subscribe to Pont Afon Rhyd, iii:181
  • Penbontbren, Melindwr, ix:334
  • Penbontfach
    • day school at, iv:163
  • Penbryn, ix:343-56
    • anghydffurfiaeth, iv:%,97,99,104,109
    • anti-tithe disturbances, ix:355,356
    • bibliography, iv:305
    • bridge, viii:329
    • cairn, ix:268
    • cargoes landed at, iii:233,234
    • castle, iii:69
    • church, iii:182-3; ix:354-5; x:233
      • Lewes family vault, vi:156
      • stained glass window in memory of Catherine Jenkins, Dyffryn Bern, vi:247
    • churchyard
      • grave of Daniel Owen Davies, vi:244
    • corbalengi stone, iv:60-6
    • corn milling, ix:344,349
    • emigration
      • see Penbryn : ymfudo
    • fishing, ix:344-5,348
    • fulling mill (Melin Lloyn Eos), vi:108
    • lime kiln, ix:345
    • llofruddiaeth, iii:182-3
    • malting and brewing, ix:350
    • murder
      • see Penbryn : llofruddiaeth
    • nonconformity
      • see Penbryn : anghydffurfiaeth
    • population trend, 16c-18c, vii:259
    • Rebecca riots, ix:356
    • schools
      • British school, ix:353-4
      • dissenting school, ii:139
      • National school, ix:353
      • school board, iii:210,212,214
    • shipbuilding, ix:345
    • tucking mill, viii:86
    • woollen factory, ix:350-1
    • ymfudo, ii:167
  • Penbryn, Llandysul, iv:92
  • Penbryn, Melindwr, ix:334
  • Penbryn Pellau
    • cistfaen, ix:268
    • Penbryn Ucha ?, Melindwr, ix:334
  • Pencader
    • annibynwyr, iv:107 castle, i:41
    • iforiaid, iii:28
    • ivorites
      • see Pencader: iforiaid
  • Pencarreg, iv:105
    • and Strata Florida abbey, i:29
    • pwnco, viii:193-4
    • woollen mill, vi:110
  • Pencelli, viii:370
  • Pencerdd Ceredigion
    • see Edwards, Edward ”Pencerdd Ceredigion”
  • Pencoed-y-foel, Llandysul, iii:102,107; iv:92,150,151; v:428-9; viii:29
  • Pencoedfoel, Uandysul
    • see Pencoed-y-foel, Llandysul
  • Pencormaen
    • mawnog (peat) v:246
  • Pencraigddu, lead mine, viii:357
  • Pencwm (Lletygrugiar), Llanrhystud, ix:166
  • Penddintir (Penintir), vi:253
  • Pendinas
    • Wellington monument, viii:337
  • Pendine cottage, Tregaron, viii:207
  • Penffin, Penbryn,vi:191
  • Pengarreg, farmyard, vi:217
  • Pengarreg fach, Aberaeron, i:57; ix:382
  • Pengarreg-fawr, Aberaeron, i:57; vi:289,291; ix:382
  • Pengarreg-ganol, Aberaeron, i:57; ix:382
  • Pengarreg lsaf, Aberaeron, vi:291
  • Pengeulan, New Quay, vii:273
  • Penglais dingle, Aberystwyth, viii:330
  • Penglais hill, Aberystwyth, vii:239
  • Penglais house, Aberystwyth, iv:19,196
  • Pengraig, Melindwr, ix:334
  • Pengraig, New Quay, vii:273,275
  • Pengraigfach, Melindwr, ix:334
  • Pengroesffordd cottage, Melindwr, ix:334
  • Penhownant
    • see Cefn-gwrthafam
  • Penlan, mansion, vii:67-8,70
  • Penlan Abermeurig, farm, vi:343
  • Penlanlas lsaf, farm, vi:349
  • Penlanodyn, Nebo, iii:153
  • Penlanowen, fferm (farm), vi:360
  • Penllain
    • private adventure school,ix:352
  • Penllain Maesglas, ix:345
  • Penllwyn,ix:334
    • bibliography, iv:306
    • bronze urn found in 1926, iii:262-3
    • capel to gwellt, vi:53
    • chapel, ix:334; x:285
    • cottage, ix:334
    • eglwys , x:233
    • schools, ii-.96,146,150;iv:50-1; vi:52,66; ix:334; x:387
    • Sir John Rhys as pupil-teacher at, ii:214
  • Penllwyn Uchaf, Melindwr, ix:334
  • Penlon Moch, iii:182
  • Penmorfa chapel, v:13; ix:353,354
  • Pennant
    • blacksmith, vi:100
  • Pennardd, commote, iii:268,273; iv:273,280; vi:139,140; vii:17,19,21,22
  • Pennardd, grange, Strata Florida, i:27-8,36
  • Pennardd, lead mines, iv:195
  • Penparc
    • blacksmith, vi:99
    • schoolmaster
      • see Penparc: ysgolfeistr
    • ysgolfeistr, iv:364
  • Penparcau
    • blacksmith, vi:99
    • iforiaid, iii:31
    • ivorites
      • see Penparcau : iforiaid
    • school, ii:4,5,149
  • Penpolion, New Quay, vii:273,286
  • Penpwll, Llandysul, ii:114
  • Penrallt, Llechryd
    • corn mill, vi:97
  • Penrhiw
    • unitarianism, vii:10
  • Penrhiw, Melindwr, ix:334
  • Penrhiw Mining Company, Cwmrheidol, v:272
  • Penrhiw-llan
    • blacksmith, vi:100
    • bridge, viii:351
  • Penrhiw-pâl
    • basgedwr, iv:215
    • basketmaker
      • see Penrhiw -pâl : basgedwr
  • Penrhiw-Tynygraig, ix:334
  • Penrhiwfelin, Melindwr , ix:334
  • Penrhiwffleur, Tregaron stones, ix:268
  • Penrhiwgerwin mine
    • see Loveden mine
  • Penrhiwolau, Cenarth
    • bidding, iv:44
  • Penrhiwpistyll farm, New Quay, vii:273,280; x:319
  • Penrhyn-coch
    • Baptists, iv:124
    • barrow, iii:263-4
    • bronze age ring cairn, v:434
    • Horeb baptist chapel, rebuilding, 1856, ii:93
    • iforiaid, iii:28,31
    • ivorites
      • see Penrhyn-coch : iforiaid
    • Temperance Society, ii:92
  • Penrow, temporary hospital, v-.205
  • Penry, Henry, London, head of the British and Foreign School, ii:138, 142, 146, 149,153,154
  • Penry, Rev. T. A., ii:13
  • Pensarn, v:13
    • gravestone of John Parry, Ffynnonlefrith, viii:336
  • Pensarne
    • turnpike gate, ii:106
  • Pensamgeuig, Rhydlewis, iv:224
  • Penson and Ritche, architects, ii:76
  • Penson, Richard Kyrke, bridge surveyor, viii:338-9; x:397,401
    • and rebuilding of Llanrhystud church. vii:105, 106, 108-09, 110-13, 114
  • Pentre, x:3
  • Pentre Brunant, vii:158
  • Pentre-cwrt
    • woollen mills, vi:110
  • Pentre issa, Brongwyn, viii:82
  • Pentre’r-felin
    • road bridge by, viii:343
  • Pentre’r-glyn
    • iforiaid, iii:28
    • ivorites
      • see Pentre’r-glyn : iforiaid
  • Pentre-Rhibyn, Melindwr, ix:334
  • Pentre-Rhys adventure school, ii:146,149,152, 153,155
  • Pentre Richard
    • tai unnos, viii:106
  • Pentre Sayer, Goginan, ix:324,334
  • Pentre Sisiwrn (Brongwyn Street), New Quay, vii:280
  • Pentreath, Thos, Cornish mine worker, ix:323
  • Pentrefoelas stone, iii:104
  • Pentregât
    • blacksmith, vi:100
    • bridge near, viii:335
  • Pentrwyn
    • rocks of, iii:238
  • Pentŵr, Aberaeron, vi:291
  • Penuwch
    • cairns, ix:271
    • hat making, vi:95
  • Penweddig, cantref, iv:273; vi:270; vii:18
  • Penwem, Cribyn
    • woollen mill, vi:110,114,115
  • Penwernfach smallholding, vi:347
  • Penwig farm, New Quay, vii:273
  • Penwig hill, New Quay, vii:275
  • Penwig reef, New Quay, vii:273,288
  • Penybank, Melindwr, ix:334
  • Penybank farm, iv:123
  • Penybenglog
    • number of hearths, 1670, iv:14,15
  • Penybont, Brongwyn, viii:86
  • Penybont, Melindwr, ix:334
  • Penybryn, Cwmbrwyno, Melindwr, ix:334
  • Penybuarth, viii:370
  • Penygarreg, v-.368,370; vi:291
  • Penygelli, Troed-yr-Aur, v:11
  • Penygroesffordd, Melindwr, ix:334
  • Penylan Hall, v:68; viii:67-8,69
  • Penywennallt, v:2,3,8
  • Percy, Hugh, 3rd Duke of Northumberland, iii:80
  • Perfedd
    • a’r lluestu, v:246,248,251,252
  • Perfedd, commote, iii:268,277; iv-.273,280; v:144; vi:139; vii:16,18.,21,25
  • Perfedd, manorial waste lands, viii:101
  • Perlau Moliant (1928), viii:40
  • Perowne, J. J. Stewart, Lampeter college, vice principal, ix:202
  • Perrot, Sir Thomas, iii:72
  • Perrot, Thomas, Caerfyrddin, viii:459
  • Perrott, Sir John, iii:72; iv:349
  • Perry Winkle
    • see Gibson, Sir John
  • Peny, Mr.A.,ii:10
  • Perservance (sic), vessel, vi:223
  • Perseverance, schooner, vii:279,285
  • Persondy, Aberaeron, v:48
  • Perth John, v:48
  • Perth y Says, Llandyfriog, viii:83
  • Perthneuadd farm, vi:343,348
  • Perthygwenyn, ix:184
  • Peters, David, Quarry Row (3) New Quay, apprentice smith, x:314
  • Peters, John, Quarry Row (3) New Quay, smith, x:314
  • Peters, Mary, Quarry Row (3) New Quay, scholar, x:314
  • Peters, Rachel,Quarry Row (3) New Quay, x:314
  • Peters, William, Quarry Row (3) New Quay, scholar, x:314
  • Peters, Wm Henry , Cornish mine worker, ix:324
  • Peterson, Francis, sailor, ii:101
  • Peterwell, ii:85-6;v:43
    • sale catalogue, 1781, i:197; ii:129,131-2, 134-6
    • school, iii:225
  • Peverell, iv:7
  • Phaer, Thomas, M. P., vi:145
  • Pheasant, ketch, x:409
  • Pheasant, smack, ix:125
  • Phee, Evan David, iv:381
  • Phee, Evan Davies, iv:384
  • Phee, Evan Dd, iv-.380
  • Phelp, Capt., viii:337
  • Phelp, Edward Tufton, ix:62
  • Phelp, Ellen née Powell, ix:62
  • Phelp, William Edward, ix:69
  • Phelps, James, Coston, iv-.24,25
  • Phelps, Laura, Coston, iv:24-5
  • Philip, schooner, vii:285
  • Philip ap David, iii:333
  • Philip ap Rhydderch, Mabwynion, v:154,156
  • Philip ap Rhydderch ab Ieuan Llwyd, vii:21,32
  • Philip Goch, abbot of Strata Florida abbey, i:22
  • Philippi, Jarobus, Colby, ix:234
  • Philipps, Cilsant, iv:9
  • Philipps, Llangunor
    • estate in 1873, iv:13
  • Philipps, Mabws, iv-.312-13
  • Philipps, Picton Castle, iv:13
  • Philipps, Elizabeth Frances née Philipps Walters, vi:194
  • Philipps, George, Cardigan priory, viii:379,380
  • Philipps, Sir Grismond, iv:8
  • Philipps, Hon. Hanning, iv:8
  • Philipps, J. Wynford, v:327
  • Philipps, John, Cringae, viii:88
  • Philipps, Sir John, Picton Castle, v:409,410, 411,413; vii:83
  • Philipps, Mary Anne, vi :182
  • Philipps Walters, Anne née Bowen, vi:172,192
  • Philipps Walters, John, (1788-1865),
    • Perthcereint, vi:172,173,176,188,191-2,193, 194
  • Philipps Walters, Thomas, vi:194
  • Philips, Rev. John, Bangor, viii:316
  • Phillip, Llanwenog, iv:111
  • Phillip ap Rhydderch, Lloyd Jack, vi:343
  • Phillip, Evan, iv:384
  • Phillip, John, Llanddewibrefi, iv:110
  • Phillip, Thomas, iv:386
  • Phillipp ap Howell ap John Lloyd, Llandysul, viii:79,80
  • Phillipps, James, vii:82
  • Phillipps, Col John Allen Lloyd, trustee of Ystradmeurig, ix:208, 210
  • Phillipps, Thomas, Cringae, Carmarthen, viii:87 .
  • Phillipps , Thomas, Lampeter Velfrey, viii:84
  • Phillips, Trelewelyn, iv-.5
  • Phillips family, New Quay, x:373,375
  • Phillips Hall, vii:236
  • Phillips, Sergeant, Aberaeron, vi:232
  • Phillips, Dr., Blaenpant, vii:81
  • Phillips, Sergeant, Lluest y gonsiens, ii:46
  • Phillips, Capt, Mabws
    • and the rebuilding of Llanrhystud church, vii:104,110,113
  • Phillips, Dr., Neuadd-lwyd, v:25
  • Phillips, Benjamin, Dole, New Quay, pilot, x:305
  • Phillips, Charles, Lampeter college, professor of Hebrew, i:51
  • Phillips, David, Dole, New Quay, mariner, x:305
  • Phillips, David. Llyast-y-conscience, Llanrhystud, vi:320,323
  • Phillips, David. Maenordeifi, rheithor (rector), viii:468-9
  • Phillips, David, New Quay,sailor, x:306
  • Phillips, David. Tycoch, vi:363
  • Phillips, ParchDavid Isaac Washington, vi:362
  • Phillips, Elizabeth, Llansanffraed, iv:418
  • Phillips, Evan (1829-1912), vi:57,60,62,66, 77,82
  • Phillips, Evan, Llanddewi Aber-arth, i:61; vi:204
  • Phillips, Evan, Tynewydd, vi:362,363
  • Phillips, Rev. Evan Owen, Llanbadarn Fawr,
    • vicar, viii:392-3
    • and Aberystwyth public library, iii:163-4, 165,167; viii:392-3
    • and Aberystwyth school board, ii:4,9
    • and schools, ii:66,74-5,76,84v;:351
    • evidence to the Aberdare report, ix:204-05, 207,209,219
  • Phillips, Hannah, White Hart, New Quay, housemaid, x:309
  • Phillips, Hector, Cardigan borough, M.P., v:402
  • Phillips, Henry, Llanfair, vicar, ii:110
  • Phillips, J., Llanrhystad, prifathro (headmaster), vi:299
  • Phillips, J. H., Newport, Mon., viii:98
  • Phillips, J. N., Melindwr, ix:32.7
  • Phillips, James, Aberaeron, vi:288-9
  • Phillips, Dr. James, Blaenau-y-pant, Llandygwydd, ix:233
  • Phillips, James, Melindwr, ix:327
  • Phillips, James, Priory, v:404
  • Phillips, James, Tregibby, ii:118
  • Phillips, Jane née Moore, vi:173,176
  • Phillips, Jenkin, merchant, vii:292
  • Phillips, Jenkin, ship-owner, vii:285
  • Phillips, John and Commins Coch School, x:343
  • Phillips, John,d. 1869, vii:292
  • Phillips, John, agent, British and Foreign Bible Society, ii:74
  • Phillips, John, merchant, vi:210
  • Phillips, John, Cornish mine worker, ix:324
  • Phillips, John, Aberystwyth, surgeon,ix:137
  • Phillips, John, New Quay, master of the Ellen, x:306
  • Phillips, Joseph, Cornish mine worker, ix:324
  • Phillips, Josiah, Melindwr, ix:327
  • Phillips, Master Lort, Glanarberth, viii:174
  • Phillips, Margaret, New Quay, sailor’s wife, x:307
  • Phillips, Margaret Eleanor, ii:177
  • Phillips, Mary, viii:320
  • Phillips, Mary, Mary’s, x:378
  • Phillips, Mary, New Quay, house servant, x:304
  • Phillips, Mary Sarah, Cambrian House, x:378
  • Phillips, Owen, Aberystwyth, surgeon, ix:137
  • Phillips, Philip, Shipwright’s Arms, New Quay, fisherman, x:312
  • Phillips, Richard
    • and Tyglyn Uchaf, iv:197
  • Phillips, Richard, Trefaes Ucha, vi:6
  • Phillips, S. Mary, Melindwr, ix:327
  • Phillips, Sarah née Jones, Gellifaharen, ii:110
  • Phillips, Miss. Sophia, Aberystwyth, schoolmistress, ii:77
  • Phillips, T. I.,vi:299
  • Phillips, Rev. T. P., Llandysul, minister of Seion, iv:156
  • Phillips, Dr. Thomas, Aberglasney, vi:172,173, 174,175,176,177,191
  • Phillips, Thomas, Adelphoi, New Quay, vi:225
  • Phillips, Thomas, Neuaddlwyd, v-.375; vi:50,52, 54,57,70,76-7, 81, 82; viii:52
  • Phillips, Thos, Castell Newydd, ii:161
  • Phillips, William, New Quay, x:305
  • Phillips, William, sen., New Quay, x:306
  • Phylip ap llhydderch o Fabwynion, vii:25,26
  • Phylip Brydydd, vii:14,15
  • Phylip, Gruffudd, vii:28
  • Phylip, Rhisiart, vii:32
  • Picar, Rawlin, Cardigan, burgess, iii:333
  • Pickrell, Mrs.,S. W. Temperance, x:164,170
  • Picton, vessel, x:367
  • Picton Castle
    • number of hearths in 1670, iv:14
  • Picton Terrace, New Quay, vii:288
  • Picton, General, Carmarthen, viii:234
  • Pier, Aberystwyth, vii:232,236,239,240; viii:409,411
  • Pier cottage, Aberaeron, i:56
  • Pier hotel, New Quay, vii:291
  • Pier Pavilion, vii:235,237,238,240; viii:5,10,11; viii:409
  • Pierce, David, Llangrannog a Llandysiliogogo, iv:96
  • Pierce (or Pearce), Elizth, Cornish mine worker, ix:323
  • Pierce, John, Aberystwyth, Customs Officer, ii:31-2; iii:295-6; iv:130, 131, 133, 134
  • Pierce, John, Bow Street, saer coed (carpenter), iii:31
  • Pierce (or Pearoe), John, Cornish mine worker, ix:323
  • Pierce, Judith, Melindwr, ix:330
  • Pierce, Pierce, Aberystwyth, bookbinder, x:264-5
  • Pierce (Pearce), Thomas, Rhydhir Uchaf, ix:252
  • Pierrots, Aberystwyth, vii:237,239,240
  • pig breeding, iv-.322
  • Pig Street (Queen Street) Aberystwyth, iii:296
  • pig trade, vi:210
  • Pigeonsford,v:119
    • family, iii:237
  • Pike, Richard, Melindwr, ix:326
  • Pilgrim, brig, vi:231
  • Pilot, vessel, x:50
  • pine marten, iv:232,240-1
  • Pistill-gwin, Melindwr,ix:334
  • Pistor, David, iii:333
  • Pistyllgwyn, water tank, viii:337
  • Planet, viii:49
  • Plâs Cilcennin, iii:204; iv:193; v:7
  • Plâs Ciliau Aeron, iii:201,202,203,204
  • Plas Glynarthen (or Plas-y-glyn), vi:152,345; viii:376
  • Plas Gogerddan
    • see Gogerddan
  • Plâs Llangoedmor, ii:242-3
  • Plâs Mr.Hughes (Troedyrhiw), vi:243
  • Plas Penglais, x:97,99,100,101,102
    • see also Richardes…
  • Plas Penkeley Ucha (Pecelli Fawr), Cenarth, viii:89
  • Plas-y-glyn, vi:152; viii:376
  • Plas y Gylvach Wenn ycha, Llandysul, viii:83
  • Plasbach, Ciliau Aeron, iv:196
  • Pleasant Row, Druid village, Melindwr, ix:334
  • Pleiades, schooner, vi:219,220
  • Plevna of Penbryn, ix:313
  • Plough tavern, Aberaeron, vi:289
  • ploughing matches, x:362
  • Plynlimon
    • see Pumlumon
  • Plynlymon, steamship, ii:100; vi:210
  • poaching and poachers, vi:313; x:364
  • pobol Tai Bach, iv-.248,249,253
  • pobol Tai Clai, iv:248
  • poboly Byd, iv:248
  • pobol y Capel, iv:248,249
  • pobol y Comin, iv:248
  • pobol y Cwrdd, iv-.249
  • pobol yr Eglwys, iv-.248
  • pobyddion, iv-.215,216
  • Pocock, Samuel, Nanteos, ix:59; x:273
  • polecat, iv-.240,242
  • police force, x:25
    • opponents in Aberystwyth, 1850, ii:104
  • politics, v:14-41,311-46
    • bibliography, iv-.309
    • eighteenth century, iii:303-18
      • see also elections
  • Pont Aberbarre,viii:342
  • Pont Abercerdinen, viii:334
  • Pont Aberystwyth
    • see Trefechan bridge
  • Pont Afon Rhyd
    • centenary celebration, iii:181; viii:335
  • Pont Alltycafan, viii:330,334
  • Pont-ar-gamddwr farm
    • prehistoric hearth, i:100
  • Pont Blaen, viii:330
  • Pont Braenog, viii:349,354
  • Pont Brâin, viii:350
  • Pont Carfan, viii:342
  • Pont Ceulan, viii:349
  • Pont Dôl-wen, viii:330,348
  • Pont Dolfor
    • see Dolfor bridge, Llandysul
  • Pont Einon, viii:329
    • new bridge, viii:333,352
    • old bridge, viii:333,352
  • Pont Eynon, Brongwyn, viii:86
  • Pont Felin-cwrrws, viii:329,335
  • Pont Felin-fach, viii:350
  • Pont Gan-eg, viii:330,345
  • Pont Gilfachreda, viii:345
  • Pont Gwyryfon, viii:350
  • Pont Leucu,viii:349
  • Pont Llanio, Llanddewibrefi, viii:354
    • Roman remains, iv:85,90-2; vi:259,335
  • Pont Llannerch, viii:342
  • Pont Llettem-ddu, viii:338
  • Pont Llyn-du, viii:354
  • Pont Nantbowen, viii:346,350
  • Pont Rhyd, viii:349
  • Pont Rhyd-ddwfn, viii:353
  • Pont Rhyd-owen, i:118,138
  • Pont-rhyd-y-groes,viii:329,341
    • blacksmith, vi:100
    • iforiaid, ili:45
    • ivorites
      • see Pont-rhyd-y-groes: iforiaid
    • lodge, vii:224
    • woollen mill, vi:110
  • Pont-siân, iii:109
    • Rhydowen grammar school, vii:296
    • woollen mill, vi;111
  • Pont-Steffan, viii:348,354
  • Pont Tanycastell, viii:337
  • Pont Trecefel near Tregaron, viii:340
    • bronze age urn, ix:265
  • Pont Tyllogau,viii:345
  • Pont-Tyweli, viii:351
    • corn mills, vi:97
  • Pont-y-brodyr, iii:195; ix:102
  • Pont-y-Cleifion Street, Cardigan
    • see Pant-y-Cleifion Street, Cardigan
  • Pont-y-geifr, ysgoldy (schoolhouse), vi:51
  • Pont y Pump, Llangrannog, viii:329,339
  • Pont y Stuffan, Lampeter, iii:57
  • Pontbren, Llanllwchaearn
    • corn mill, vi:97,98-9
  • Ponterwyd
    • road bridge, viii:343
    • school, iii:209; iv:363; vi:52,63,66
      • British school, ii:96; vi:51; ix:131
  • Pontfaen, Uangwyryfon
    • corn mill, vi:97
  • Pontgarreg
    • bridge, viii:336
    • school
      • see Pontgarreg : ysgol
    • ysgol, iv:358
  • Pontgrocca, i:138
  • Ponthirwaun
    • blacksmith, vi:100
    • corn mill, vi:97
  • Pontrhydfendigaid
    • blacksmith, vi:100
    • corn mill, vi:100
    • fair
      • see Pontrhydfendigaid : ffair
    • ffair, v:129
    • school, ii:151
      • intermediate school (proposed), viii:53
    • woollen mill, vi:110
  • Pontrhydygroes
    • see Pont-rhyd-y-groes
  • Pontsiân
    • see Pont-siân
  • Pontvane
    • turnpike gate, ii:106
  • Pontwhilog, iii:128
  • Poole, William, Gogerddan, farmer, ii:33
  • Poole, William, Nanteos, agent, x:283
  • Poole, William Felix, viii:344
  • Pooll hyre, Brongwyn, viii:86
  • poor law, viii:24.5-90; ix:78-101
    • effects of system, vi:27-31
    • methods of relief, v:276; vi:13-27
    • overseers, vi:10-13
    • poorhouses, vi:16-17
    • vestries, vi:4-10
    • workhouses, vi:13-16
  • Poor Woman’s Club of Tre’rddol and Taliesin, x:27-8
  • Pope, James, Cornish mine worker, ix:323,324
  • Popkin John, v:11,12
  • population, v:314-15; vii:257-60,270-1;x:25 1301, iii:270
    • 18c-19c, v:280
    • 1851, vi:388-414
    • 1881-1911, x:417
  • porpoise, common, iv:242
  • Port, John,iii:285
  • Porth Club, iv:158
  • Porth Hotel, Llandysul, i:116,133-4,136; ii:115; iii:112
  • Porth-mawr, ix:184
  • Porth Tywyll, vii:261
  • Portland House, Aberaeron, vi:291,296
  • Portland Street, Aberystwyth, iv:20
  • Poskins, Wm, Llanarth, ii:161
  • Possewick, Richard, cleric, iv:344
  • Postmen’s Federation, ix:151
  • potato growing, iv:323,329
  • Potter, J. W.
    • drama company, vii:231
  • pottery
    • see crochenwaith
  • Powell, D., botanist, i.-92
  • Powell estate, Nanteos
    • estate in 1873, iv:12; v:18
  • Powell family, Nanteos, x:3,97
    • and Edward Richard, v:240-1; ix:228
    • and harbour dues in Aberystwyth, iii:332
    • and lead mining, iii:286,300; viii:420; ix:147
    • and politics, v:20,21,23,32,323
    • and Strata florida abbey, i:33
    • patron of autumn races, vii:231
  • Powell United, lead mine, v:116
  • Powell, Miss, matron, v:195
  • Powell, Mr., Nanteos
    • and enclosures, viii:116
  • Powell, Mrs., Nanteos [1], x:281,28,2283
    • and Edward Richard, ix.:238
  • Powell, Mrs., Nanteos [2],x:175
  • Powell, A. C., dental officer, v:191
  • Powell, Anna, ix:70
  • Powell, Anna Corbetta Hanna Maria, x:98,100
  • Powell, Anne-Maria, ix:59,62,63
  • Powell, Athelstan, ix:146
  • Powell, Avarina née Le Brun, iii:298; v:403; ix:58
  • Powell, Charles, Llanllwni, gentleman, viii:86
  • Powell, David Phillip, Llechwedd Dyrys, iii:92
  • Powell, E.W., Nanteos, ii:41
  • Powell, Edward Athelston Lewis, ix:70,71
  • Powell, Eleanor, ix:58,59-60,62,6.5; x:273
  • Powell, Elinor, ix:146
  • Powell, Elizabeth née Owen, ix:58
  • Powell, Gabriel, Swansea, gentleman, viii:87
  • Powell, George Edward, v:317
  • Powell, George Ernest John, Nanteos, ix:69-70
    • and Aberystwyth public library, iii:162-6, 168,169,171-2,173-4
    • and U.C.W. art collection, viii:390,391-5, 397-8
  • Powell, Griffith, Llandysul, rector, v:431
  • Powell, Harriet, Nanteos, ix:68
  • Powell, John Thomas David, gent., v:47
  • Powell, Dr. Joseph, Rhydlewis, x:431,437,446
  • Powell, Marged, Rhydlewis, x:445
  • Powell, Mary, Llandysul, ii:110
  • Powell, Mary née Frederick, Nanteos, ix:58
  • Powell. Rees (Rice), Llanbedr, iv:98,104,105, 106
  • Powell, Richard, Nanteos, ix:58,63,146
  • Powell, Richard O., Nanteos, ii:44; ix:70
  • Powell, Mrs., Rosa Edwina Cherry, Nanteos, viii:426; ix:68
  • Powell. S. M., vi:383; x:16
  • Powell. Samuel, v:3
  • Powell, Sir Thomas, iii:303
  • Powell, Thomas, esq., Aberystwyth, scavenger, iii:291
  • Powell, Thomas, Llanbadam Fawr, crynwr (quaker), ii:164
  • Powell, Sir Thomas, Llechwedd-dyrus, iii:298; ix:58
  • Powell, Thomas, Nanteos d. 1752,ii:172; ix:58
    • and Aberystwyth House of Correction, vi:14
    • and elections, iii:304,305; v:403,404-08, 409-10; vi:128-9
    • and mob violence in the parish of Llanfihangel y Creuddyn, v-.268-9
  • Powell,Thomas, Nanteos (1745?- 97), iv-.26; viii:335; ix:58,59,60
  • Powell, Rev. W., Newcastle Emlyn, vicar, vi:243
  • Powell, William, Exchequer Office of Pleas, viii:86
  • Powell, William, Llanpumpsaint, vicar,ii:109
  • Powell, William, Nanteos, iii:298; v:403; ix:58
  • Powell, William, Nanteos (1705-80), ii:172; v:378
    • and lead mining,ii:30
    • and politics, v:404,410-14,416,,417,419,420
    • and Ystradmeurig grammar school,iv-.55-6, 201-02; ix:58,230
  • Powell, William (son of Richard), ix:146
  • Powell, William Beauclerk, ix:70,71
  • Powell, Col. William Edward, Nanteos
    • (1788-1854), iv:327,329; x:98,259,276,360
    • and Aberystwyth dispensary, v:170,173; vi:22
    • and election 1816, x:362
    • and enclosures, iv-.312; v-.87
    • and Laura Place, iv-.24
    • and Nanteos estate, ix:58,60-71
    • and National School, ii:70-1
    • and Rebecca riots, vi:185
    • and Ystwyth bridge, viii:3.37
    • views on education in 1847, ii:142
  • Powell, William Edward d. during 1st World War, ix:71
  • Powell, William Thomas Rowland, Nanteos (1815-78), ix:68-9
    • election of 1865, v:16,24
  • Powis, vessel, ix:125
  • Powis, Lord, iii:289
  • Powis, Sir Thomas, v:404
  • Prairie flower, vessel, vi:221,227
  • Preece, John, Brompton, viii:89
  • Preece, Jonathan, Ross, baker, viii:89
  • Pren-gwyn
    • blacksmith, vi:100
    • first motor car in, ix:315
    • name, iii:110
  • Preseb y March, ix:265
  • President, vessel, ii:229; vi:220
  • Price, Mr., viii:108
  • Price, Prof., vii:231
  • Price, Miss, Trisant school, schoolmistress, iv-.366
  • Price, Mr., Penwern mills, Cribyn, vi:115
  • Price, Mr., Pigeonsford, v-.5; ix:348
  • Price, Caroline née Carpenter, x:284,285
  • Price, Charles, Aberteifi a’r Ferwig, iv:97, 99,104,105
  • Price, D. B., Lampeter college, student, ii:138,139
  • Price, David, Llanbadam Fawr, vicar, vii:341
  • Price, Eliza Carew Newton, v-.348
  • Price, Elizth [1], Melindwr, ix:327
  • Price, Elizth [2], Melindwr, ix:327
  • Price, Evan, Llanwnnen, iv:100
  • Price, George, Carew Newton, v:348
  • Price, George, Pigeonsford, viii:335
  • Price, Howell, Talley, vii:332
  • Price, Hugh, Llanllwchaearn, iv:97
  • Price, J., Moda Mawr, ix:181
  • Price, James William, vii:313
  • Price, John, pauper, v.276-7
  • Price, John, Gogerddan, vi:140,142
  • Price, Lewis, Llangynllo, iv:104
  • Price, Maldwyn, Aberystwyth, conductor, viii:7,10
  • Price, Margaret, pauper, v:276-7
  • Price, Mary, Melindwr, ix:327
  • Price, Robert, Clwyd, barnwr (judge), viii:465
  • Price,Thomas, Aberystwyth, surgeon’s apprentice, ix:137
  • Price, Sir Uvedale, iii:299; iv:22,31; vi:417; vii:123; x:271, 284,285
  • Price, W. R.
    • and Lampeter school board, iii:224
  • Price, Walker, Cardigan, ii:163
  • Price, Wm, Melindwr, ix:327
  • prices,1750-1850, x:38-44
  • Prichard, C. A., Cardigan union, vice chairman, viii:251
  • Prichard, Capt. Richard, viii:306
  • Prince Cadwgan, steamer, v:369; vi:211-12,220
  • Prince George, vessel, vi:202; ix:381
  • Prince Llewelyn, agerddlong (steamship), ii:227
  • Prince Llewelyn, barque, vi:212; vii:277,286; viii:305
  • Prince of Wales insurance company, vii:293
  • Princess of Wales, coach, iv:30
  • Princess Street, Aberaeron, v-.369; viii:404
  • Princess Street, Aberystwyth
    • archaeological excavations, vi:438
  • Principality, brig, vii:277,283
  • Principality, vessel, viii:308
  • printing, iv:28
    • see also names of individual printers
    • see also printing as a subheading of place-names
  • priodas fach, viii:194,201
  • priodas geffylau, ix:305
  • Priscilla, vessel, vii:279
  • Pritchard, Mrs., x:345
  • Pritchard, Capt. James, master of Peggy, v.274
  • Pritchard, Thomas, Llandysul, rector, v:431
  • Pritchard, Thomas Farnolls, vii:153
  • Pritchards, Miss, vi:49
  • Pritchards, John, Pen-y-garn, crydd (cobbler), iii:32
  • Probert, John, Aberystwyth, iv:22,24,130,132, 134-5; vi:SS
  • Probyn.Anna née Lloyd, viii:94
  • Procter, Frederick, Lincoln’s Inn, solicitor, ix:70
  • Progress Hall, Aberystwyth, ix:154
  • promenade, Aberystwyth, iv-.20; vii:240
  • Propert, Blaenpistyll, v:387
  • Propert, John, Llangoedmor, meddyg (doctor), vi:60
  • Propert, Rev. William, Trevaccoon, viii:88
  • Prospect Row, Aberystwyth, iv:20
  • Prosperity, vessel, vi:21
  • Prosser, Dr. D. L, bishop of St. David’s gives chalice and paten to Mount church, ii:210
  • Protheroe family, Hawksbrook, iv:5
  • Protheroe, David, Lampeter college, professor of Welsh, i:51; vi:60,83
  • Protheroe, Rev. J. H., ii:9,66,80-1
  • Providence, Llong (vessel), ii:229
  • Providence, schooner,vii:276
  • Provident Friendly Society, x:46
  • Province, vessel, viii:308
  • Pryce family, Gogerddan
    • see Pryse family, Gogerddan
  • Pryce, Bridget, Glanfraed, i:79
  • Pryce, F. N., ix:45
  • Pryce, John, Llandysul, vicar, v:430
  • Pryce, Thomas, Llandysul, rector, v:431
  • Prydderch, Rev. John pupil at Ystradmeurig, v-.242
  • Prydderch, Thomas, Llanddewibrefi, iv:110
  • Prydderch, William, Methodist minister, vii:104
  • Prydferthwch Sancteiddrwydd yn y Weddi Gyffredin, viii:466,468
  • Prydydd Bychan, vii:14
  • Pryor, James, Melindwr, ix:327
  • Prys, Absalom, Maesbangor, woollen manufacturer, ix:332 ·
  • Prys, John, Maesbangor, woollen manufacturer, ix:332 .
  • Prys, Owen R, Capel Bangor, teacher, ix:329
  • Prys, Syr Rhisiart [1], vii:26,28
  • Prys, Syr Rhisiart [2],vii:28,29,30
  • Prys, Syr Siams, vii:28
  • Prys, Siôn, vii:26,29
  • Prys, Syr Siôn, vii:26
  • Pryse, Gogerddan, acreage 1873, v:18
  • Pryse family, Gogerddan, i:79; iv:6,11; x:3,97
    • and harbour dues, iii:332
    • and lead mining, iii:286; iv:13;ix:147
    • and lluestau, v-.252,254
    • and politics, iii:303; v:20,21,23,24,31,32, 33,36, 42,314, 319,322, 334, 402-03
    • founded by David ap Rhydderch, v:156
    • lead smelting at Wallog, iv:130
  • Pryse, Capt, viii:219
  • Pryse, Col. ( -1888)
    • funeral of, ii:1·5
  • Pryse, Col.
    • and election, 1868, v:32,33,34
  • Pryse, Miss, Gogerddan, ii:15
  • Pryse, Sir Carbery, v:122
    • and election of 1690, iii:303-04
    • and lead mining, i:188-9; ii:28,29
  • Pryse, Capt E. L.,Gogerddan, viii:314
  • Pryse, Edward Lewis, Peithyll, x:386
  • Pryse, Sir Edward Webley Parry, ix:71; x:9
  • Pryse, John, Gogerddan, ix:245,246
  • Pryse, John Pugh, Gogerddan
    • and Aberystwyth mill, iii:295
    • and Borth shipwreck,i:198
    • and Cwmsymlog lead mine, ii:31,54
    • and elections, iii:304,305,306; v:409,410-14, 416-17
    • and politics, v:42
  • Pryse, Sir Lewes Loveden, v:334
  • Pryse, Lewis, Glanfread, iv:269
  • Pryse, Lewis, Gogerddan (1684-1720), iii:304; v:404
  • Pryse, Lewis, Gogerddan (1716-79), vi:159; viii:375-6
  • Pryse, Sir Loveden, v:319
  • Pryse, Mary, Glanfread, iv:269
  • Pryse, Mary Anne née Philipps Walters, vi:194
  • Pryse, Pryse, vi:347
  • Pryse, Pryse,esq., Abernantbychan,viii:376
  • Pryse, Pryse, Gogerddan (1774-1849), vii:170; x:47
    • a Helynt Beca, x:25
    • and Assembly Rooms, iv:25
    • and education, ii:66,68,69,70,71,75,76
    • and enclosures, Yiii:113,182,185
    • and lead mining, ii:34; viii:212,213,215
    • and politics, v:42.:.J; vii:120-1
    • and poor law, vi:22
    • and Rhyfel y Sais Bach, i:199
  • Pryse, Sir Pryse, Gogerddan (1838-1906), iii:44; iv:12; ix:72,250
    • and Aberystwyth hospital, v:177
    • and Cwmsymlog lead mine, ii:35
    • and Gogerddan hunt, v:317
    • and politics, v:35,320
  • Pryse, Sir Richard, Gogerddan, vi:154; ix:245,246
    • and Aberystwyth mill, vi:415
    • and lead mining, i:184,186
  • Pryse, Thomas, Aberystwyth, surveyor of the port,iii:293
  • Pryse, Thomas, Gogerddan ( -1745)
    • and Cardigan Borough election,1741,vi:128-9
    • and lead mining, ii:29-30
    • and politics, v:404,405,409
  • Pryse, Sir Uvedale
    • see Price, Sir Uvedale
  • Pryse, Walter, Abemant-Vychan, v:408
  • Pryse, Walter, Gogerddan, ii:29
  • Pryse, Walter, London, lawyer, vi:151,159
  • public bbrary, Aberystwyth, iii:161-81; vii:235
  • Pugh, Abermad, iv:183
  • Pugh estate, Abermad, iv:12
  • Pugh, Mrs., Haroldstone, Mill Street, Aberystwyth, v:181
  • Pugh. D., Manorafon, v:379
  • Pugh, Dafydd, YBont, vi:290
  • Pugh, David, Lian-non, mason, iii:131
  • Pugh, David Heron, iv.58-9
  • Pugh, David,Pen-rhiw Nantafallen, saer maen (mason), iii:32
  • Pugh, Henry L., 2nd. Lieutenant, Aberaeron, x:90
  • Pugh, Hugh, Aberystwyth, solicitor’s writing clerk, ix:136-7
  • Pugh, Hugh, Ty mawrglan yr afon, v-.255
  • Pugh, James, Aberystwyth, vi:216
  • Pugh, James, Lambarddarne, ii:161
  • Pugh, Jane, Parcel Canol, x:390
  • Pugh, Jenny, “Y Bont”, vi:290
  • Pugh, Joanna, iv-.58-9
  • Pugh, John, master of the Aeron, vi:208
  • Pugh, Rev. John, Motygido, v:1,240,379; vii:340; ix:228,231
  • Pugh, L P.,esq.
    • and Aberystwyth school board, ii:4
    • and Ystwyth bridge, viii:337
    • trustee of Downie’s bequest, ii:119
  • Pugh, Lewis, Abermarlais, iii:81
  • Pugh, Lewis, Aberystwyth, compelling officer, ii:10,11
  • Pugh, Lewis, Aberystwyth, lead miner, saddler, v:111; viii:420-1,424,426,427,431;ix:147
  • Pugh, Lewis Pugh, Abermad, x:398,401
  • Pugh, Lewis Pugh Evans, viii:156
  • Pugh, Mary,Glynarth, x:89
  • Pugh, Mary Jenkin, pauper, ix:364
  • Pugh, Morgan, pauper, ix:364
  • Pugh, Morris, Nantafallen, saer maen (mason), iii:32
  • Pugh, Philip, Aberaeron, i:52; ix:378
  • Pugh, Philip, Cilgwyn, iv:111; v-.379; vii:8,11
  • Pugh, Philip, Llwynypiod, iv:194
  • Pugh,Philip, Tyglyn-ucha, iv:195-6
  • Pugh, T., Mr.and Mrs., Aberaeron, x:90
  • Pugh, Capt. Thomas, jun., vi:215
  • Pugh,W.J., U.C.W., professor of Geology, i:156
  • Pughe, Dr., Aberdovey, v:29
  • Pugsley, H. W., botanist, i:92
  • Pumlumon
    • botany, i:78-9
    • geomorphology,i:168-9
    • plants sighted in 1662, i:79
  • Purchase, Rev. William Henry, i:84,85
  • putting green, Aberystwyth, vii:240
  • Pwll Castell, vi:123
  • Pwll Crwn, v:48
  • Pwll-ffein, Llandysul, viii:469
  • Pwll Nawpis, vi:123
  • Pwll Sama, vi:123
  • Pwll y gelod, Brongwyn, viii:86
  • Pwll y Gwydde, v:254
  • Pwll-y-pair, Betws Han, ix:56
  • Pwll y Perch, vi:123
  • Pwll yr hyrne, Llandyfriog, viii:86
  • Pwllcam, Aberaeron, i:57-8; vi:202,206,216, 287,289,292
  • Pwllclai, fferm (farm), vi:360
  • Pwlldraenll fferm (farm), vi:360
  • Pwlle yr heyme, Llandyfriog, viii:82
  • Pwllybitfal, Melindwr, ix:334
  • Pwllyrhod, Melindwr, ix:334
  • pwrs a gwregys, viii:194,195
  • pwython, viii:194,200
  • Pyllau Duon, vii:261