
Mynegai i gyfrolau 1-10 Cylchgrawn Cymdeithas Hynafiaethwyr Ceredigion

Golygwyd gan William H Howells

N.B. Roedd fersiwn ddigidol y mynegai hwn yn cynhyrchu trwy sganio, ac mae’n debygol bod rhai gwallau cydnabyddiaeth testun bach yn bresennol. Os nad ydych yn siŵr, cyfeiriwch at gopi wedi’i argraffu o’r Mynegai.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Cyflwyniad | Sut i ddefnyddio’r Mynegai | Byrfoddau | Awduron | Atodiadau | Darluniau | Adolygiadau | Ysgrifau coffa | Trefi yng Ngheredigion | Pentrefi yng Ngheredigion

Cofrestriadau sy’n dechrau gyda ‘Atodiadau’

  • [Aberaeron]. The shippingcompanies vi: 233-8
  • Aberaeron. Shipsbuilt at, vi : 238-9
  • Aberystwyth Board of Guardians. Rules adopted by the, 8 June 1874 ix: 101
  • Aberystwyth Union. A statement, shewing the expenditure of the parishes and townships in this union, from the 25th of June,1837, to the 25th of June,1838… viii : 281
  • Aberystwyth Union : able-bodied/not able-bodied paupers,1870-1914 ix: 99
  • Aberystwyth Union: classification of paupers, expenditure, 1870-1914 ix: 98
  • Aberystwyth Union: indoor and outdoor paupers 1870-1914 ix : 100
  • Aberystwyth Union workhouse. Description of the, viii : 282
  • Aberystwyth Union workhouse. Dietary tables of the, viii : 283-4
  • Anhuniog. A noteon the manor in, iii : 282-3
  • Anhuniog enclosure award of 1812. Summary of the, viii : 130-6
  • Brackenbury. Depositions of Augustus, i : 47-9
  • Cardigan Union. Abstract of the published account of the, for the year ending 25th March,1843 viii :286 .
  • Cardigan Union workhouse. Dietary tables of the, viii: 284
  • [Cors Fochno) Allotments of land to the Lord of the Manor, freeholders and proprietorsunder5 Geo iv c.29
  • [Lordship of Genau’r Glyn] viii : 190-1
  • [Cors Fochno] Lands sold at various timesfor the purpose of financing the concern viii : 191 Crosswood estate. Rents of, preserved in the Crosswood deeds and documents, 1670-1944 iii : 83-4 [Cwmystwyth] Mine captains 1824 to 1941 viii:438
  • [Cwmystwyth] Mine owners and lesees 1700 to 1955 viii : 438 Election. A new song of Cardiganshire patriots v : 44
  • Election between Price Price esqr Gogerddan, and Hardford the Bristol Tori, for the Boroughs of Cardiganshire. Poetry on the late, v : 44-6
  • Election results, 1885-1923. Cardiganshire v : 340 Enclosure meeting. An, viii : 126-7
  • Enclosure. The cost of, viii: 128-9
  • Enclosures effected in Cardiganshire under the provisions of Enclosure Acts. List of all viii : 125
  • Encroachments on Crown Lands viii: 124
  • Gian Medeni and the house in Newcastle Emlyn, 1851. Inventory of, vi: 198-9
  • Hafodydd ix: 27-33
  • Hafotaiix : 33-5
  • Lampeter: ancient extent 1317iv: 144-5
  • Lampeter : document: rent and survey 1302-03 iv: 143-4
  • Land Revenue to the chairman of the General Quarter Sessions…, with the answers returned thereto. Questions sent by the Commissioners of the viii: 121-3 –
  • Land Tax 1798. An assessment madein pursuanceof an Act of Parliament passed in the 38th year of this Majesty’s reign, for granting an aid to His Majesty by a, vi : 37-40
  • Lewes, Sir John and James. Estates of, settled in 1650. vi: 161-4
  • Lisbume mines during the period of greatest development, 1839- 93.
  • The output of lead and the royalties from the,iii : 84-5
  • Literary and Debating Society Soirees, 1889-1907 vii: 20
  • Llandysul in 1758-89. Where’s who at, i: 141-2
  • [Llandysul] List of wardens and overseers i: 143
  • Llangwyryfon. An assessment..for granting an aid to His majesty by a Land Tax…1798:parish of, viii : 136-7
  • Llanrhystud Mefenydd informing them of his impending visit Letters of Sir Edmund Head,assistant poor law commissioner, to the over seers of the township of,viii: 276
  • Llanrhystud Mefenydd enclosure.
  • The validityof the, viii: 129
  • Llanrhystud Mefenydd to queriesposed by the Poor Law commissioners. Answers of the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the township of, viii:277-8
  • Llanrhystud Mefenydd to queries posed by the Poor Law commissioners of England and Wales preparatory to further enquiries with a view to ascertaining accurately the amount of workhouse room, state of pauperism,and the administration of relief in each parish.
  • Answers of the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the township of, viii: 279-80
  • Lluestydd ix : 35-41
  • Maenor and Maenol iii:281-2 Maps ii : 246-69
  • Maps of Cardiganshire 1578-1900, in the National Library of Wales. A tabular index of the printed,ii : 270-6
  • Monoliths related to local river systems. Site notes on, vii: 43-4
  • Nanteos estate. Disbursements on the,1837-9 ix : 76-7
  • New Quay. List of ships built and owned at, vii: 299-306
  • Pauperism and expenditure in each of the Unions in Cardiganshire, 1838-43 viii:287
  • Perfedd. The manor of, v: 256-61
  • Plays. The Charity, 1891-1914 viii:22
  • Plays. The Reunion, 1898-1914 viii:22
  • Plays. The St. David’s Day,1890-1918 viii:20-1
  • [Politics] Correspondence of Wilmot Vaughan, Herbert Lloyd and Thomas Johnes iii:307-17
  • Poor boy chargeable to the town of Aberystwyth, to John Roberts of Clarach. An indenture apprenticing Richard Rees, a, vi : 36
  • Poor-rate assessment and of monies there out expended on the poor… Amount of, vi: 32-5
  • Powell, G. E.J. and T. C Edwards. Correspondence between, viii: 402-03
  • Rhydhir Uchaf. Entries in the disbursements section of the 1798 Rent Book referring to the rebuilding of, ix: 253
  • Rhydhir Uchaf: Gogerddan survey 1805 ix : 254-5
  • Saint David’s College, Lampeter: stages in the design process x: 76-7 Smith, William. Depositions of, i : 49-50
  • Unions of Cardiganshire,with the amount paid to them in fixed salaries, for the year 1844-5.
  • Return showing the number of offices of each class employed in the viii: 285
  • Vaughans of Golden Grove. Descent from the, vi: 195
  • Walters, Miss Frances, Castellnewydd-Emlyna Blaenmedeni, Ceredigion. Englynion ar farwolaeth, vi: 196
  • Watch Tower c 1865. Specifications for the building of, vi: 197
  • Williams, Isaac, family. Pedigree of the, vii:346
  • Williams, Isaac. The ecclesiastical appointments of, vii: 345
  • Ymfudo. Rhai enghreifftiau o hysbyslenni ii : 234-6
  • Ymfudwyr o borthladdoedd yn y Sir i ymuno a llongau yn Lerpwl Manylion am rai llongau a gludodd, ii : 232
  • Ymfudwyro borthladdoedd yn y Sir i’r Unol Daleithiau, 1832-50. Manylionam raillongaua gludodd, ii: 231 ,
  • Ymfudwy o’r Sirgan mwyaf, a ymadawodd am yr Unol Daleithiau o borthladdoedd eraill, 1800-51.
  • Rhai manylion am, ii: 233.
  • Ymfudwyr o Sir Aberteifi wedi glanioynyr Unol Daleithiau. Rhannau o lythyr cyntaf, ii : 237-40