Ceredigion – Journal of the Cardiganshire Antiquarian Society, 1970 Vol VI No 3

Ceredigion – Cylchgrawn Cymdeithas Hynafiaethwyr Sir Aberteifi, 1970 Cyfrol VI Rhifyn 3

Gellir gweld Tudalennau o Geredigion – Cylchgrawn Cymdeithas Hynafiaethwyr Sir Aberteifi, 1970 Cyfrol VI Rhifyn 3 isod.

Gallwch hefyd weld rhifynnau blaenorol o gylchgrawn y Gymdeithas yn mynd yn ôl i 1950, gyda ffeithiau diddorol am archeoleg, hynafiaethau a hanes Sir Ceredigion.

Cynnwys Cyfrol VI, Rhif 3

  • The Place of Ceredigion in the Early History of Wales, c.400-1170 – By D. P. Kirby – 265
    THE story of medieval Ceredigion down into the thirteenth century was told by the great Welsh historian, Sir John Edward Lloyd, in 1937 and embraced by him also, of course, in his monumental history of Wales to the Edwardian conquest; and detailed aspects of the medieval history of Cardiganshire have been explored in successive issues of CEREDIGION. It is not so much my purpose this afternoon to retell a familiar tale as to look in rather …

    Notes on Aberaeron – By Gwilym M. Jones- 285
    CONTRIBUTIONS have already been published on the history of Aberaeron. I refer to The Birth and Growth of Aberaeron by the late J. M. Howell, which appeared in the old Transactions of the Cardiganshire Antiquarian Society in 1926, and to my own Aberaeron Landmarks in Volume I of Ceredigion. In addition, Aberaeron The Commumty and Seafaring, 1800 — 1900 by my son, David Lewis Jones, and Penodauyn Hanes Aberaeron …

    The Architecture of Aberaeron – By J. E. Griffiths – 295
    THE architecture of Aberaeron is Late Renaissance, 1702-1830, commonly described as Georgian, and follows a period when English architecture was mainly civic and domestic with much embellishment externally, influenced by the Italian school. The writer Pope was moved to write in satirical fashion a little ode concerning this period …

    Rhai Agweddau ar Hanes Cerddoriaeth yn Sir Aberteifi – By Dafydd Miles – 299
    Aeth dios ddeugain mlynedd heibio ers pan gyhoeddwyd Cyfrol 6 o Drafodion Cymdeithas Hynafiaethwyr Sir Aberteifi, sef casgliad o ddeugain o Alawon Traddodiadol (Cerddi Ceredigion). Trefnwyd y cyfan i ddau lais a chyfeiliant y piano gyda chynildeb a dychymyg gan y Dr. David de Lloyd, Athro Cerddoriaeth Coleg y Brifysgol, Aber- ystwyth. Ag eithrio rhyw ddeg ohonynt, Mr. J. Ffos Davies, …

    Thomas Johnes of Hafod – Pioneer of Upland Afforestation in Wales – By W. Limard – 309
    TOWARDS the end of the eighteenth century, progressive landowners in Britain were turning to planting to enhance their estates and to help meet the country’s growing and changing demand for wood. Livestock husbandry, clearance for agriculture, the demands of shipbuilding and charcoal production for smelting had resulted in the large-scale destruction of much …

    Ychwaneg am ‘Ryfel y Sais Bach’, 1820-29 – By Richard Philips – 320
    Fel ychwanegiad at y cyfraniadau gwerthfawr ar hanes Rhyfel y Sais Bach’ (Augustus Brackenbury) a gyhoeddwyd yn CEREDIGION gan Mr. David Jenkins, M.A. (Cyf. I, tud. 199-200) a’r Athro David Williams, M.A., d.litt. (Cyf. II, tud. 39-52), bernais y byddai o ddiddordeb i gyhoeddi hefyd y ddogfen ganlynol, ynghyd a’r plan perthnasol, y deuthum o hyd iddynt ym mysg papurau fy hen gartref sydd yn awr yn …

    Background to Coast Changes around Aberystwyth – By C. L. 50 – 324
    IT is gratifying to be able to include in this number of Ceredigion a contribution from as far afield as Hong Kong. Dr. C. L. So, who is a member of the Staff of the University of Hong Kong, spent the Summer Term of 1970 in the Department of Geography at the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. This paper is one of the results of that short stay. The reader will be able to identify …

    Annual Report for 1970 – 332
    Statement of Accounts for the Year 1970 – 337


  • Amount of the Plantations at Hafod, October 1796 to April 1813 – 310
  • Ychwaneg am ‘Ryfel y Sais Bach’, 1820-29 – 321
  • Background to Coast Changes around Aberystwyth – 327
Ceredigion – Cylchgrawn Cymdeithas Hynafiaethwyr Sir Aberteifi, 1970 Cyfrol VI Rhifyn 3
Ceredigion – Cylchgrawn Cymdeithas Hynafiaethwyr Sir Aberteifi, 1970 Cyfrol VI Rhifyn 3

Cyhoeddwyd y Cylchgronau o 1950 hyd heddiw. Mae’r cynnwys cyflawn wedi’i ddigideiddio gan LlGC fel rhan o brosiect ‘Cymru Periodicals Ar-lein’ a ariannwyd gan JISC a oedd ar gael o 2009. Yn y cyfamser, rydym yn cyflwyno tabl cynnwys pob cyfrol isod. Roedd fformat a lefel y manylder yn y ‘Cynnwys’ yn amrywio o gyfrol i gyfrol. Rydym yn cyflwyno’r rhestrau fel y’u argraffwyd yn wreiddiol.

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